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Ok so just recently during our consultations I have had a client tell me they are happy with their current products and then go on to explain – I use this serum because it has lemon grass in it, I use this toner as its all natural, I use this eye cream as its organic and love my moisturiser because I have always used it!!! BUT they want ME to do an anti ageing treatment!

Noooo c’mon guys we are not miracle workers why would you choose to use such a mish match of products, why would you assume the moisturiser you have been using since you you were a teenager is still doing what you want it to do, I mean your skin is no longer that of a teenager???Ok so just recently during our consultations I have had a client tell me they are happy with their current products and then go on to explain – I use this serum because it has lemon grass in it, I use this toner as its all natural, I use this eye cream as its organic and love my moisturiser because I have always used it!!! BUT they want ME to do an anti ageing treatment!

The best thing I have heard this week is I don’t want to be sold to as I currently buy from ” a popular department store” – so basically sold to by a sales assistant with little or no knowledge about the skin, but not advised by a skincare expert! Sorry having a rant, but why wouldn’t you develop a relationship with your facialist who will give you good honest advice on what will work best for your skin, I mean why would you not feed your skin at least something it would recognize! Honestly it doesn’t recognize lemon grass as it doesn’t naturally occur in the skin, whereas vitamins do!

I believe the best 3 ingredients for skin are A,C & E active vitamins – I would even go as far as saying Vitamin A is like oxygen to your skin, of course there are more and of course there are super duper peptides but these ACE vitamins should make up the main part of your home care and guess what, because we eat these vitamins on a daily basis our skin easily recognizes them so win win!

Dr Des Fernandes ” We believe that skin has a life and that vitamin A is the “oxygen” it needs to look beautiful and healthy for life”

Vitamin A – Necessary for the maintenance and repair of vital skin tissue, is the key to healthy skin, normalises skin, evens skin tone, plumps the skin. Research by the American Academy of Dermatology has shown that when used on the skin, lotions containing vitamin A can help control acne and reduce lines and wrinkles.

If you’re deficient in vitamin A, your skin may take on a dry, flaky complexion, get your daily recommended allowances of vitamin A through foods such as sweet potatoes, carrots, and dark, leafy vegetables.

Vitamin C – Can aid collagen production (which trust me slows down a lot as we age), can also help reduce wrinkles, improve skin texture, and reduce photo damage and is essential for skin health & repair!

Fill up on citrus fruits, leafy greens, bell peppers, and cauliflower, all of which are full of this vital nutrient.

Vitamin E – Is a fantastic moisturiser, can be used on your skin to help reduce the appearance of scars and rough, dry skin and keeps skin looking supple and soft.

Try adding more nuts, olives, and spinach to your diet, all of which are high in the vitamin. These foods will not only help your skin stay soft, but will help your hair’s luster and strength.

One of my favorite all round products:

Environ Body Oil is highly recommended for treating sun-damage on the face & body.. Environ Body Oil contains vitamins A, C and E, don’t forget these are also anti oxidants so helping to mop up free radical damage!!

Now remember guys when looking to use active vitamin skincare there can be a slight settling in period, if your diet is not abundant in vitamins use a good quality supplement, FEED your skin inside and outside.

call 01789 269557 for a chat about your skincare

Thanks for reading Mary

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