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Acne is really hard to control and it is true ther is not one treatment or miracle product, best place to start is a good skin consultation – looking at your skin, diet and lifestyle. Acne can be hereditary and diet can be a contributing factor. Lets look at the skin inside and out.

OUTSIDE:  P acne bacteria lives on the surface of the skin, mix this with dead skin cells and sebum and you will get spots.

INSIDE:  Hormones, basically girls have a hormonal cycle so skin tends to fluctuate around this time. Boys will normally grow out of breakouts, however cystic acne is a different type and often needs medical intervention. Adult acne is fairly common these days due to our hormones, stress, diet & lifestyle.

Contributing factors:

  • Excess Keratinisation – only remove the excess dead skin, over exfoliation can cause more problems.
  • Excess Oil Sebum – The sebaceous gland is stimulated by hormones, leading to teenagers and adult women have issues with ACNE due to the fluctuation in hormones.
  • Propionbacterium (P.acnes bacteria) Found around tge opening of the hair shaft.
  • Stress – Anxiety/stresscause acne, the link between them is strong. 

Mixed together, can cause havoc, from the occasional spot to full on acne. It is well known that acne can be hereditary, so if Mum, Dad or even an Aunty had it chances are its past down to you.


Over cleanse/exfoliate the skin—can lead to overproduction of oil and sensitivity

* Constantly trying the next best product (can lead to sensitising the skin)

* Pick your spots (this can lead to bacteria spreading)

If you must – only squeeze with clean hands on a clean face, wrap your fingers in a tissue and apply a small amount of pressure on white/yellow spots, then apply Sebu Spot-gel bud directly onto the spot. Helps the appearance of existing breakouts and assists skin cell RENEWAL .


  • Adapt a healthy diet and skincare routine.
  • Regularly change pillow slips to avoid cross contamination (same for washing scarves/face mitts)
  • Take supplements, skin omega’s and vitamin D
  • Check out:
  • Visit your GP:- There are some medications available:-

Antibiotics: Mainly work on bacteria P acnes, they work for some but you can become resistant.

Roaccutane: Is a prescriptive Vitamin A drug that stops the production of oil within the body. There are side effects to this drug, do your homework!

Girls: GP’s can recommend the contraceptive pill to control your hormones and slow down the production of oil in the sebaceous gland, can help in the short term whilst hormones settle.

REMEMBER: No two skin’s are the same so what works for your friend, Mum or aunty doesn’t mean it will work for you. What may work at the start will need adapting as your skin improves, we need to improve the quality of your skin, so that spots won’t leave a scar and your skin. Your home care routine which needs to become a habit is eessential:

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